815-247-2276 | 247-AARO
815-247-2276 | 247-AARO
TV that is better than satellite and more reliable + FREE DVR
We can help you navigate the best way for the way you want to watch TV. With our experience with the most popular streaming services, we recommend Internet TV, combined with Over the Air. You can have a cable-like experience as low as $ 0-month cost or get all the channels like Fox News and CNN for $40 a month, much less than a dish or cable TV.
We don't have to put the antenna on the roof, just getting the antenna outside is what’s important for signal reliability. We can mount it to the side of the house or even just a 10-20 ft mast. Some Antennas don't look like antennas so they can be placed without what some think is an eye sore. You could get many more channels from a secondary market like Madison, which if you are a Packer fan is a great option as some games are blacked-out on Satellite. Many have 50 + channels covering the local and secondary, a great way to cut the cord with streaming services to complete your TV channel lineup/package.
We can get you started with an easy-to-use interface so you can manage your website once we get a foundation going or we can continue to manage your website as long as you want.
We can help set up any brand and help maintain Firmware and updates for safety.
Internet is better with strong WiFi everywhere.
Connect your existing internet connection to your Garage | Shop | Out Building | House with a broadband Connection Link with Broadband speed from a few feet to Miles Away.
For Businesses or larger properties or for those who want the best mesh and more.
Stay online even if your primary provider goes down. Low-cost Solutions for Back up or Load balancing internet almost anywhere.
Simple All-in Pricing - Try us for 30 Days FREE
Not bigger, just better!