815-247-2276 | 247-AARO
815-247-2276 | 247-AARO
815-247-2276 | 247-AARO
815-247-2276 | 247-AARO
✔ Free 30-day trial
✔ Plans Up to 200Mb Down 50Mb up
✔ More Upload than most Cable, DSL, or Satellite service
✔ Mesh WiFi Included or Wireless Router
✔ Lower ping than any Satellite services
Starts at $25
Why should the larger towns and cities have all the fast reliable Internet?
Stuck in a contract with your current Internet Provider? We can help you break up, show us your contract, or turn in your Satellite equipment and get up to $200 in free service so you can get something better without the break-up pain in the wallet.
No mess no drill temporary connection setup is not meant to be permanent and can be set up and removed in minutes. Experience fast reliable internet for 30 days on us.
Seward area- we built this for you!
With limited and frustrating choices, we decided in 2018 to see if we could do better and that was the start of AaroBand. Since then we have been putting together what many have told us is what they were looking for. Some of us went to Seward Grade School, and now we maintain the network and supply our MAX–100 internet to the now community center. Fast reliable internet is just where it starts, from there you have friendly local support and if needed, help is close. If you ever wondered if there was something better, you should try us, and if for any reason we are not for you no hard feelings and that’s it. We really enjoy helping local families and businesses that are part of our Seward community with our Internet and networking services and look forward to helping you.
Our quest to get better faster stream-able internet in Seward started when my business and family needed better internet.
FINALLY! Fast Internet between the cornfields and cows in Seward Illinois. Get consistent Broadband speeds. Try us for 30 days free!
Quality connections make quality internet time with less waiting. Streaming that works without having to think about data caps.
Starts @ $25 | Speeds up to 200Mbps
Simple All-in Pricing - Try us for 30 Days FREE